How to post here

Hot pics from the internet
Deleted user
posted 14 years ago
At the end of the post click the checbox to upload. Then 'post' and choose the image file on the next page. IMPORTANT: Please use the link icon above to put the source of the image, particularly images from flickr.
Deleted user
posted 14 years ago
Is it possible to upload an image from my harddisk? I only found a way to set a URL... Maybe I am just too stupid.
Deleted user
posted 14 years ago
At the bottom of the text box for your post, there is a checkbox that says "Attach files to this post?". Then you click 'post' and afterwards you have the option to upload an image. It's not obvious!
posted by: athletichunk
Is it possible to upload an image from my harddisk? I only found a way to set a URL... Maybe I am just too stupid.
Deleted user
posted 14 years ago
Think that only works for you as admin. Have you tried it with a different account? I don't see this checkbox.
Deleted user
posted 14 years ago
A-ha! You're right! Changed now - get uploading!
Deleted user
posted 12 years ago
In the gym